Location: Cleveland
Date: July 11, 2024
Time: 18:00
BCFEMSA July 2024 Meeting Minutes
Representatives of each member department were accounted for: Allgood, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Cleveland, Dallas Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mount High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Royal, Snead, Straight Mountain, Susan Moore, West Blount
Member Departments not present: Bangor, Brooksville, Rosa, Summit
Associate members present: EMA, Forestry, BREMSS, Alabama Fire College
Associate Members not present: 911, St. Vincent’s Blount, Lifeguard, Law Enforcement, State Fire Marshall, Coroner, District Attorney’s Office, LifeSaver, RAMS, Survival Flight, Red Cross, VOAD
All Pro, Sunbelt
Previous Meeting Minutes
Motion to Accept: Paul Gilbert
2nd Motion to Accept: Tyler Seehusen
Minutes were approved with no objections.
Financial Reports
Motion to Accept: Paul Gilbert
2nd Motion to Accept: Tyler Seehusen
Reports were approved with no objection.
Old Business
Requested update on AAC Fines
Committee Reports
Air Evac LZ Class on August 1st at the Cleveland Community Center. At the request of Air Evac, the class will begin at 1800 with a meal provided. Please RSVP Clay with a headcount to ensure enough food.
Update on confusion regarding BC911 letter to municipalities
At 69.9% of Fuelman for the year
Homeland Security Grant Awards to be announced in September
Another Pipeline class will be held in Fultondale on August 1st at 1715. Concern was expressed noting this was the same class offered in Blount County in June. It is also on the same night at the Air Evac Class.
Fall Live-Fire training, smaller groups preferred due to overwhelming response to last live fire training.
HAZMAT refresher tentatively September 4-7, this is for HAZMAT A&O and above only
(special ops same report)
AAC met earlier in the week, Michelle Adamson has created a filtering system to weed out a lot of the calls based off of criteria.
AAC hasn’t had a quorum as of late to handle actual business, more to come involving who actually serves on the committee
Seeing a recurring problem with dispatch not entering times correctly.
Brief visit by Rep. Shedd to present Forestry Grant Funding letters
Thanks for all the hard work
Grant funds will only be awarded via EFT
Fire College
Weekend Classes are posted on the website
Curriculum changes forthcoming
Jr. FF Camp
Thanks for all the help with Fire Camp, over 60 kids per day
St. Clair County Fire Association donated over $1,000
Will have full financial report next meeting
Smoke on the Water September 14 & 15
NEW Business
With no nominations from the floor, a Nomination committee formed for selection of EMS Provider of the Year and for Telecommunicator of the Year consisting of Heath Stockton, Paul Gilbert and Tyler Seehusen
Motion by Paul Gilbert for $500 (BREMSS request) for BREMSS Banquet table, motion amended to reflect BCFEMSA 2024 Budget of $400 for the table. Amended motion by Tyler Seehusen, Seconded by Jonathan Ayers. Motion carries.
Pursuant to business passed in May meeting, a nominating committee was formed for the election of officers consisting of Tim Frye jr, Paul Gilbert and Scott Payne
Motion by Chris Hill to start the meeting over for those who arrived after the meeting started. No second from the floor. Motion dies on the floor.
Tyler Seehusen motion for brief recap to include detailed AAC report, seconded by Jon Head. Motion carries.
Motion by Tyler Seehusen to hold a special meeting on October 3, 2024 at 1800 for the purpose of election of officers pursuant to the constitution and bylaws. Seconded by Jon Head. Discussion by John Reed to ensure this meeting was for the election and the election only. Motion carries.
Announcement about Ascension EMS Day on July 23rd from 1100 – 1300 at St. Vincent’s Blount, pick-up at Blount, email Seehusen asap with headcount.
A motion was solicited from the chair for permission to send the Blount County Communications District an official letter on behalf of the BCFEMSA to state displeasure in how fire departments are not being given enough information or the same information as Law Enforcement. Motion by Jon Head and Seconded by Tyler Seehusen. In discussion, several departments reported instances where information was in the CAD notes but was never delivered via radio to responders or instances where had the fire personnel not been monitored, they would have never received information such as confirmed entrapment. A request was made by Chris Hill to include dispatchers using unprofessional verbiage during the radio traffic. Motion carries.
Jonathan Ayers announced on behalf of Lifeguard that a Strike Team has been established to assist when call volume gets too heavy in the county.
Don Roybal announced that he is a part of the Blount County Fair Committee. The Fair Committee is requesting fire departments to volunteer their time to handle parking for the fair September 25-29, in return for a free pass to the fair for the night they work as well as a ½ off pass for any other night, an armband costing $15 would still need to be purchased to ride the ride. Don stated that there may be potential in the future for departments to collect donations during these events but unsure about this year.
Abby Hill announced that she will be resigning her position after the September meeting.
Motion to adjourn by John Reed and Seconded by Tyler Seehusen at 1943