2013-07-11 Minutes




The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Chief Mel Wade gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Snead, St. Mountain, Summit and West Blount. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Blount EMS and Law Enforcement were also represented. 9·1·1 Supervisor Neal Brooks was present.

GUESTS – Chairman Reed recognized guests Susan Moore Mayor Jamie Brothers and Mayor Pro-tem J.J.Brothers, District 3 County Commissioner Dean Calvert and Sheriff Arrington. Brandon Fowler with QuadMed, Inc sponsored the meal and presented several equipment items for review. He asked all departments to keep him in mind for whatever amounts or items you may need.

Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the June meeting. Motion by Chief Payne seconded by Chief Wade and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Glass, seconded by Assistant Chief Mike Benson, and carried by voice vote.


CHAIRMAN – Chairman Reed mentioned the recent loss of the 19 members of the Arizona Hotshot crew in a wildfire. He asked that all members use extreme caution and safety measures to make sure you and your crew return home after every emergency response. Vice-Chairman Ken Edwards will be attending the AAVFD Meeting in Tuscaloosa on August 2-3. A motion to approve Ken to vote proxy for the Association was offered by Chief Head and seconded by Chief Payne and approved by voice vote.

EMA – Doug reminded all that the NIMSCAST training information needs to be entered by the end of August. If you have a problem gaining access to the website, please contact EMA. Firefighter ID tags will be made at Cleveland VFD on Tuesday, 8/6 @ 1900. Bring signed sheet from your Chief. Fuelman report for the month of June showed 109% of monthly budget use but the end of 3rd quarter was at good at 101% of quarterly budgets. Based on past year’s usage for the 4th quarter, the Fuelman budget will probably be about $5000 over for the year.

9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – Supervisor Neal Brooks handed out run reports and explained that the award for construction of the new 911 Center will be delayed due to bids coming in over budget. The 911 Board is meeting to decide a specific direction to get the building completed. New 911 maps are being developed so please let Neal know if you need to add any details about your coverage area.

TRAINING – ICS 300 training has been set for the following dates: 9/24-9/26-10/1-10/8-10/10.

Times are 1800 each night and the class will be held in the EOC at the courthouse. Prerequisites are IS 100, 200, 700 & 800. Please register through the EMA office. Training Officer Tim Frye, Jr, detailed the monthly training report. Straight Mountain will host an LZ class on 7/15 @ 1900. Oneonta will have the Live Burn Trailer available for the dates of August 12-14. Register with Oneonta Fire Dept.

FIRE PREVENTION – Joe Ray Daily explained that Executive Director Keith Hamby of the Agri-Business Center has resigned to take another job but the Fair Committee has made arrangements for preparations for the County Fair to continue. Fair dates are September 17-21. Joe Ray stressed that he would like to see some of the young firefighters take part in this year’s Fair, possibly doing different types of demonstrations such as putting on turn-out gear. When deciding how to change up the Fair display by using a tent instead of the PVC pipe, Commissioner Dean Calvert offered to fund the purchase of a new tent to be used by the Fire Association at the Fair and other events. Chief Ivey with West Blount Fire offered their Sparky costume and Smokey Bear will also be there. A motion to approve Joe Ray Daily as the Association Fair Committee Representative was received from Chief Glass with a second from Assistant Chief Benson and approved by voice vote. A motion to approve spending $500 on a new order of handout material for the Fair booth was received from Chief Overby with a second from Chief Glass and approved by voice vote. It was noted that this is a budgeted item.

FORESTRY – Blount County Forester Joe Spradlin reported that Terry Helms had received encouraging reports from his doctor and was recovering in good spirits. A motion to make a donation in the amount of $400.00 to Terry from the Good and Welfare Fund was made by Chief Glass with a second from Assistant Chief Robertson and approved by voice vote.

SPECIAL OPS – LT Payne reported that the High Angle Rescue Team had mobilized and assisted Etowah County with a patient who had fallen 100 feet off a rock bluff in western Etowah near Altoona. Five team members spent over 6 hours assisting in the location, packaging and transport of the patient.

ST. VINCENTS BLOUNT – Due to personnel changes, Amy Shelton is now the STV-Blount POC for BREMSS, EMA and the Fire Association. The hiring process for a new Director of Nursing is in progress.

BREMSS – John reported that the EMS Coordinators meeting was recently held at Trinity Hospital with Board Trustee James Spann discussing Lessons Learned from the April, 2011 storms. The next SEMCC meeting has been moved to August 27. New protocols will be available hopefully in late Fall of 2013 and should be implemented after January 1. BREMSS is reviewing and attempting to rewrite their Spine Board policies for those boards left at area hospitals. Every three years BREMSS must apply to ADPH to continue as the regional EMS agency for the Birmingham area. Letters of support from partner groups are requested. Chief Head offered a motion to write a letter of support for BREMSS with a second from Assistant Chief Edwards and motion passed by voice vote. BLS Instructor cards will be mailed out to those who qualify.

Blount EMS – Tammy reported that it was good to be back. Please let her know if you need anything.

AMED – No report.

LAW ENFORCEMENT – SGT Investigator Fred Cochran asked that you contact the SO if you need anything and also recognized Sheriff Arrington.

CORONER – No report.


LIFESAVER – No report.

AIR-EVAC – No report.

RED CROSS – No report.

GOOD & WELFARE – No report.


§ John reminded all departments that Rules of Membership require that a documented review of each department financial statement should be on file at the EMA office annually.

§ Truck inspections should be done using the agreed upon check lists.

§ John read a letter dated July 8, 2013 which was sent to Susan Moore Fire Department detailing the steps necessary to change their “Department Not In Good Standing” status.

§ Susan Moore Mayor Jamie Brothers spoke to the group explaining that the Town Council wants the best fire department for the Town and adjoining coverage area. They understand that things are not going well and the Council is willing to do whatever is needed to improve the fire service for the Susan Moore area. The Mayor stated that he will be a regular attendee of the monthly Association meetings to find a way to help improve the Susan Moore Fire Department.


§ It was decided by mutual affirmation that the December Association meeting be held on the night of the Oneonta Christmas Parade no matter what the date. The Parade has been moved this year to Tuesday, December 10, because of potential conflicts with the AHSAA Super 6 Football Championship games should any local team be involved. There will be an Open House at Oneonta Fire Department that night after the Christmas Parade.

§ There was some discussion about posting signs along the Mulberry and Locust Fork rivers to provide information to paddlers about travel distances to the next available take-out access spot or to give directions to the nearest fire station. Discussions about details on wording, posting locations and methods as well as grant money available for this project will continue.

§ The Blount County / Oneonta Chamber of Commerce is pushing river tourism which can mean that more people (experienced or not) could be on the rivers. There are websites that monitor and report specific water levels and some quick observations have shown that rarely missing persons are recovered until the water levels get below 4 feet. Neal is working on river maps to highlight take-out access spots, access roads that cross private property and the inclusion of local “river rat jargon” that details specific sites along the river. If you have information detailing some of these specific sites or features, please let Neal know. It was noted that Senator Beason is a strong proponent of establishing a recreational tourist River Trail.

§ The Chamber of Commerce will have a breakfast meeting on Wednesday, August 14, featuring Senator Jeff Sessions at Twin Oaks, Heritage Golf Course.

§ Tim Frye, Jr. has been working on a new design and format for the Association website. He requests that if you have anything you would like to have posted, please email him the information.

The next meeting will be August 1 at Pine Mountain Community Center. The meal will be at 6:30 sponsored by AMED.