2014-01-09 Minutes




The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Chief Gilbert gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Bangor, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, St. Mountain, Summit, Susan Moore and West Blount. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Blount EMS, Law Enforcement and the District Attorney Office were also represented. 9·1·1 Board Supervisor Neal Brooks and Board Members Sheriff Arrington, Dean Gilbert and Chief Bob Sanford were present.

GUESTS – Stacey Waldrop with VFIS sponsored the meal and was planning to attend but he was called out of town for business and was not available.

Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the November, 2013 meeting. Motion by Chief Glass, seconded by Chief Blackmon, and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Payne, seconded by Chief Head, and carried by voice vote. Membership dues should be turned in. Invoices are available to be picked up tonight.


CHAIRMAN – Chairman John Reed discussed the upcoming pump test schedule and advised that departments could swap times with others if the written schedule was not going to work for some. He asked that you work out the differences between yourselves but if you had to cancel, please let him and others know. Units can be dropped off at earlier times and Brindlee Mountain employees will move your apparatus so the test can be done. Please leave any contact numbers with Brindlee Mountain in case any emergency repairs are needed. Vice-Chairman Ken Edwards will be attending the next AFC District II meeting in Springville on January 23.

EMA Director Max Armstrong reported that the advertisement for a new EMA Director had been published. If you know anyone who might be interested, have them contact the County Commission office. A new Sec / Treas should be selected soon to replace Max. Fuelman use for the month of December was at 135% of budget and use for the 1st Qtr of FY2014 was at 124% of quarterly budgets. Doug advised that historically, the first quarter is the lightest use of the whole year so please be aware of your fuel use.

9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS Max announced that a new 911 Director had been hired. Caleb Branch will begin operations on January 27. He has a degree in Emergency Management from JSU and has been working with an ambulance service in the Birmingham area. Board Member Bob Sanford said that Caleb was extremely prepared in his interview and was very impressive. Max also reported that the steel has been hung at the new 911 center and the facility has the beginnings of a roof.

TRAINING – Training Officer Tim Frye, Jr., detailed the monthly training report that had been sent out on Egroups (see attached). He also advised that the Chainsaw Training was very successful. Chief Payne announced that Station 12 will host an ITLS class soon with information to be posted on Egroups.


FORESTRY Forestry Project Specialist Terry Helms advised that all departments had turned in their VFD Forestry Grant paperwork on time so all will be included when checks are delivered later this year. He also stressed that if you have a vehicle on loan through Forestry's Federal Surplus Program program and you experience equipment problems with that vehicle, you must contact Terry to let him know. He needs to know for operational purposes but also he can assist you in getting replacement parts through Forestry if needed.

SPECIAL OPS – Present, but no report.


BREMSS – John thanked all for supporting the BREMSS banquet this year. The first Protocol Train-the-Trainer class was held today with several more to follow in the coming days. All ALS agencies should have already been notified about the dates. The BREMSS website has undergone some major changes. Birmingham hospitals all have a serious bed shortage at this time. This will increase some patient diverting so please be aware and help notify families if needed. TCC does a good job on these divert notifications but sometimes they happen so quickly, there is no way for all to be made aware. TCC classes are available if needed.

Blount EMS – Tammy again asked for help in notifications concerning diverts to families and to also advise families it is not the ambulance service that is making these changes.

AMED – No report.

LAW ENFORCEMENT – Sheriff Arrington thanked Oneonta Fire Department for their quick response to the roof collapse at the Blount County Sheriff's Office caused by busted water pipes.

CORONER – No report.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY – District Attorney Pamela Casey reminded all departments again about the importance of keeping accurate financial records. She does not a want a repeat of the Bangor situation so please account for all purchases by keeping and recording all receipts.

LIFESAVER – No report.

AIR-EVAC – No report.

RED CROSS – No report.

GOOD & WELFARE – Ralph Mitchell reported that although there was no money in the G&W account, please let the Committee know if you have a firefighter who needs assistance.


§ At meeting time there were still 13 departments that had not submitted their financial review reports and/or their equipment inspection lists. There were questions as to the next step to be taken by the Association about the delinquent articles. The By-Laws / Rules will be reviewed again with a report ready for next month.


§ The July Association meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 3. A motion to change the meeting date to Thursday, July 10 was offered by Chief Payne with a second by Chief Ledbetter. Motion passed by voice vote.

§ Chairman Reed reviewed a letter from Susan Moore Fire Department outlining changes in their Department structure and requesting reinstatement to “Good Standing” by the Association. A motion to accept was received from Chief Glass with a second from Chief Gunn and was passed by voice vote.

§ It was reported that a paramedic had died from the H1N1 virus contracted through an emergency run and that his wife was in serious condition. The message here was to make sure you decontaminate yourself after each response and protect yourself and your family.

§ Neal Brooks reported that the State Troopers will not honor an “owner's request” for a specific wrecker company unless the owner or a family member is present on the scene. Otherwise, it will be turned over to a rotation wrecker. On a side note, Neal suggested that if you have any trooper issues, contact the State Decatur Post.

§ Chief Blackmon announced that the Smoke Trailer was still on the yard at Heart of Dixie Wrecker company even though it had been sold on Gov.Deals. Lane Pettit wanted to confirm that the new owner had been notified and that the Association had been paid. Both questions were “yes”.

§ Chief Willis thanked all that came to the December Open House / Supper at Oneonta Fire Station after the Blount County Christmas parade.

The next meeting will be February 6 at the Hayden Community Center hosted by West Blount Fire Department. The meal will be at 6:30 sponsored by Herzing University.