The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Mel Wade gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Bangor, Brooksville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Rosa, Royal, Snead, St. Mountain, Summit and Susan Moore. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Blount EMS, Law Enforcement and the District Attorney Office were also represented. 9·1·1 Board Supervisor Neal Brooks and Board Member Bob Sanford were present.
GUESTS – Tammy Pierce with Blount EMS sponsored the meal and thanked all for attending. Jennifer Hempfling with Wallace State Community College thanked everyone for their past support of the EMS classes on the Hanceville campus and advised that the Advanced EMT class will be held soon on-line, one day per week. Contact her if you have any questions. Alabama Forestry Commission Regional Forester Jason Dockery, AFC retiree Gladys Daily, Blount County Sheriff Loyd Arrington, District Attorney Pamela Casey and District 3 Commissioner Dean Calvert were also present.
Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the October meeting. Motion by Chief Payne, seconded by Chief Head, and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Glass, seconded by Chief Hill, and carried by voice vote.
CHAIRMAN – Chairman Reed recognized Vice-Chair Ken Edwards who had recently attended the District and State AAVFD meetings. Ken had emailed his report earlier to the Egroup (see attached).
EMA – Doug Smith reminded all that EMA had completed the annual NIMSCAST report which was an abbreviated 6 question report. Please maintain your training records and training needs as the 2014 report should be similar to previous years. Fuelman use for the month of October was at 125% of monthly budgets.
9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – Supervisor Neal Brooks reported that construction is making progress on the new 911 Center. Chief Head related a 911 hang-up call his department was involved in. After discussing the events with Sheriff Arrington and other BCSO management and 911, his solution to prevent EMS extended wait time is to confirm with the 911 dispatcher that 1) law enforcement has been notified and 2) if there is a delay in LE response, ask if a BCSO supervisor has been notified.
TRAINING – Training Officer Tim Frye could not attend due to a structure fire but had emailed his monthly training report on the Egroup (see attached). Reminder that the chain saw class will be held November 15-16 at Pine Mtn. Make checks payable to BCF&EMSA for $50.00 per participant. Due to the number of participants, the indoor portion may move to the Pine Mountain Community Center.
FORESTRY – Forestry Project Specialist Terry Helms said he was glad to be back in full-time status and thanked all for your support during his time off. He was handing out grant paperwork for the VFA grants to cover wildland training and equipment purchases. This grant needs to be returned by December 31, 2013 to be eligible. He also needs each department to complete the Forestry Grant application paperwork and return to him by January 6, 2014.
SPECIAL OPS – No report.
ST. VINCENTS BLOUNT – Not present but had requested to be included in hosting a monthly meeting next year.
BREMSS – John advised that the UAB Callahan Eye Hospital had developed pre-hospital information on cards to be kept in all of your emergency vehicles explaining directions and phone numbers for incoming patients. See John if you need additional cards. There is no new information on expected protocols but possible release coming in November. The next EMS Coordinators meeting will be November 13 at Brookwood Hospital. Be looking for a generic email account from BREMSS to solve some confusion on how to communicate through email with BREMSS. Individuals will still maintain their personal email addresses. The annual BREMSS banquet will be December 16.
Blount EMS – Tammy requested that each department help with information to patients or families that choose a specific hospital for transport even though that facility may be on divert. The ambulance crews are caught between honoring a patient request for a certain hospital and being delayed for multiple hours to honor that request. Tammy would appreciate that each department help the families understand any divert is for the patients best care and not for the benefit of the truck crews.
AMED – No report.
LAW ENFORCEMENT – SGT Investigator Fred Cochran ask that you contact him or Sheriff Arrington if you need anything or have any question about any issues with BCSO.
CORONER – No report.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY – In light of recent arrests of volunteer fire department officers in Blount County as well as another Alabama county, District Attorney Pamela Casey cautioned all departments to be very vigilant with how you handle your department money and finances. If you should have any questions on how to handle a particular situation, please contact her office.
LIFESAVER – Not present but it was reported that the new base in Tuscaloosa, North Flight, had completed their first patient transfer. It was noted that the West Blount area falls within the 60 nautical mile response radius for the Tuscaloosa base.
AIR-EVAC – No report.
RED CROSS – No report.
GOOD & WELFARE – No report.
§ None
§ The Association budget was presented as follows:
Dues @ $250.00 per department @ 23 Departments = $5750.00
AAAVFD DUES............................ $ 990.00
BREMSS BANQUET.................... $ 300.00
AAFVD MEETING........................ $ 500.00
TAX FORM PREP........................ $ 500.00
FIRE PREVENTION..................... $ 500.00
PLAQUES.................................... $ 150.00
AAFVD CONFERENCE...............$ 500.00
CHECKS...................................... $ 40.00
INSURANCE................................ $1300.00
WEBISTE MAINTENANCE..........$ 200.00
TRAINING.................................... $ 770.00
TOTAL $5750.00
Motion to accept the budget was offered by Chief Payne with a second by Assistant Chief Robertson. Motion carried by voice vote.
· AAVFD membership dues for 2014 @ $990.00 are to be paid in January. Motion to pay by Chief Payne with a second by Chief Head. Motion carried by voice vote.
· Motion to pay BREMSS banquet sponsorship for one table at $300.00 offered by Chief Head with second by Chief Gunn. Motion carried by voice vote.
· Chief Sanford asked if any departments are using the Active 911 Program. Several replied they were and had good results. It reportedly works well as a back-up plan.
· It was reported that Representative Standridge would introduce legislation to allow fire departments to participate in the 1033 Program which is a way for VFDs to get excess military equipment for their departments. Currently only law enforcement can participate in that program.
· The meeting schedule for 2014 was finalized:
January 9 @ Remlap July 3 @ Straight Mtn
February 6 @ West Blount August 7 @ Pine Mtn
March 6 @ Susan Moore September 4 @ STV-Blount
April 3 @ Brooksville October 2 @ Rosa
May 1 @ Locust Fork November 6 @ Palisades
June 5 @ Mt High/Ricetown December 9 @ Oneonta
The next gathering will be December 10 at Oneonta Fire Department for refreshments immediately following the Christmas Parade.
The next meeting will be January 9, 2014 at Remlap sponsored by VFIS.