The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jon Head. Chief Gilbert gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Bangor, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, St. Mountain, Summit, Susan Moore and West Blount. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Blount EMS and the District Attorney Office were also represented. 9·1·1 Director Caleb Branch, Supervisor Neal Brooks and Board Members Dean Gilbert and Chief Bob Sanford were present.
GUESTS – Stacey Waldrep of VFIS was present and sponsored the meal. Stacey briefly explained the advantages of Workmen's Comp insurance for volunteers. If a volunteer is injured in the line of duty, any disability is paid based on their full-time employment salary. This would be for Association-wide use, approximately 142 members. If there are any payouts, an audit would be conducted at the end of the policy period. House District 34 David Standridge was present and thanked all for what you do to care for the citizens of Blount County. Blount County District 3 Commissioner Dean Calvert and District 4 Commissioner Gary Stricklin were also present.
Chairman Head asked for the approval of the minutes of the November, 2014 meeting. Motion by Chief Payne, seconded by Assistant Chief Benson, and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Netherton, seconded by Chief Ayers, and carried by voice vote.
CHAIRMAN – Chairman Jon Head encouraged those departments that have not completed their 2014 Financial Review & Equipment Inspection reports to do so. A motion to grant an extension to February 5 for the 2 departments that have not reported yet was offered by Chief Ledbetter with a second from Assistant Chief Benson and passed by voice vote. The next AFC District II meeting will be Thursday, Jan. 22 in Cullman County at the Brandin' Iron Restaurant located at 87 County Road 1242, West Point. The Blount County Board of Education is conducting school safety exercises at various schools around the county. Please participate in these exercises when requested.
EMA – FEMA is still processing the last of the disaster claims which includes the fire department reimbursements. Fuelman expenses for November were at 95% of budget and December @ 56%. Deputy Director Doug Smith discussed his change in work status from full-time to part-time in order to participate in donations from the State Retirement Program. He will be in the office 3 days per week.
9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – Director Caleb Branch reminded all departments that you are welcome to sit in with dispatchers to observe their operations. Please coordinate with Supervisor Neal Brooks. Caleb has spent time in various coverage areas with Chiefs to investigate potentially poor communication zones. If you are interested in having him ride your area, please let him know. Blount Broadband will soon place a weather camera on the 911 tower that can be accessed through the ABC/3340 Webcam internet page. Caleb also reminded everyone that structured Communications Training is available from the 911 staff. Training can be done at the 911 Center or at individual departments.
TRAINING – Training Officer Tim Frye, Jr and others recently met with Skip Kittrell of the Alabama Fire College. 18 AFC courses were taught in Blount County in the last year with over 350 students participating involving 8744 hours of training. The 2015 goal is 20 AFC courses.
FORESTRY – Forest Project Specialist Terry Helms advised he has a Class A AMC General truck that is available for placement in Blount County if there is a department that wants it.
SPECIAL OPS – Chief Willis reported that there is very little of the Hazmat surplus equipment
left for distribution. The boots and suits will go to GovDeals. Students can sign up for the
Ropes Training to be held on three consecutive weekends at Palisades Park beginning on
February 28. Prerequisites are First Responder and Hazmat A&O.
ST. VINCENTS BLOUNT – Amy Roden, ER Manager, provided a list of events hosted by the hospital. They will be doing patient follow up reports to find out their health situation after they leave the hospital. There is a new physicians group that has come on board at STV-B effective December 1. Psychiatric and stroke patients will soon be able to participate in tele-health video conferences with doctors at other hospitals when they enter the ER so a quicker diagnosis can be accomplished without moving the patient. If you have any questions about anything, she is available at any time.
BREMSS – John Reed reported that Dennis Blair, State EMS Director, was resigning to go to ADPH. The next SMEC meeting is in March. The SANE Center has been evaluated with positive feedback. The Humerus IO study has been approved. Protocols that need changing as well as EMD guide card changes will go before the next Executive Committee. BREMSS County Coordinators will meet January 30 at STV-East. DDT (Destination-Decision-Treat) cards are available from John to be placed in every vehicle you expect to run a medical rescue. All backboards to be returned to departments are located at TCC. If you want to sit in with TCC Dispatchers to observe their system, let John know so he can schedule a time.
Blount EMS – Operations Manager Tammy Pierce said that flu season is here and hospital beds are maxed out. Before you transport a patient call to confirm a bed and get the nurse's name that you talked with.
AMED – No report.
CORONER – No report.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY – District Attorney Pamela Casey advised that subpoenas for specific court cases had been sent out to several fire department personnel. If you receive one, don't panic, but call her office to let them know it was received so they can place you into an on-call status if you are needed.
LIFESAVER – No report.
AIR-EVAC – No report.
RED CROSS – No report.
GOOD & WELFARE – No report.
l The CPR in Progress Protocol Committee met and listed their suggested protocol based on 911 Dispatch and Responder needs: A CPR in Progress call should be treated in the same manner as a structure fire in that automatic mutual aid calls will go out to surrounding departments in a priority manner designated by each department. Chief Ledbetter made the motion to accept with a second from Chief Payne. Motion passed by voice vote. This protocol is in effect immediately and it was mentioned that if a mutual aid department is not needed, let Firebase know so they can be canceled.
l Jon asked if any departments were having any issues with garbage service since the new County contract went in to effect. No problems were made known.
l All departments were reminded that the deadline for sending in quotes for the Blount County Healthcare Authority reimbursement program is March 31. Quotes need to be sent a week ahead of time to EMA so they can be processed to the HCA by the deadline. Dates for invoices to support the quotes as well as regular purchases must be received by the HCA by May 31. (See attached letter.)
l The Blount County Commission will close County Hwy 1 at the intersection of Hwy 75 in Allgood to Tim King Road for major repairs. This will start January 12 and be closed for possibly two months.
The proposed budget was presented and accepted by voice vote after a motion by Chief Reed and second by Chief Glass. The 2015 Budget is as follows:
l There was some discussion about the balance forward money and what to do with it. Chief Frye offered a motion and Chief Payne gave the second to rename the Scholarship Fund to Training Fund and place the residual $1275.20 into the Training Fund. Motion carried by voice vote. The $1275.20 will be moved from the General Fund and placed in the Training Fund, creating a balance of $1908.77 in the Training Fund.
l Chief Reed offered a motion with a second from Assistant Chief Benson to authorize the Association officers to prepare a State of the Association report for the Blount County Commission as well as all the other partners that we deal with. This would give a concise report of the activities and services that the Association is involved in. this report should reflect details concerning the number of calls responded to, $ distributed throughout the Association and training hours undertaken to name a few. Motion passed by voice vote so those numbers will be accumulated and presented not only to the Commission but to both Chambers of Commerce, WCRL radio and The Blount Countian.
The next meeting will be Thursday, February 5 at Holly Springs Fire Department. The meal will be at 6:30 sponsored by Holly Springs FD.