The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Neal Brooks gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Bangor, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, St. Mountain, Summit, Susan Moore and West Blount. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Blount EMS and Law Enforcement were also represented. 9·1·1 Board Director Caleb Branch, Supervisor Neal Brooks and Board Members Sheriff Arrington and Chief Bob Sanford were present.
GUESTS – Chris Crutchfield and other employees of Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus, Inc sponsored the meal and gave a short presentation on what their company can offer to your department. They thanked St. Mtn VFD for their recent purchase and are willing to help you market your apparatus for resale. They would be glad to perform another county-wide pump test like last year and invited anyone to come visit their facilities. Other guests included District 3 County Commissioner Dean Calvert, Sheriff Loyd Arrington and Sheriff candidate Ryan Fortenberry.
Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the June meeting. Motion by Chief Booth, seconded by Assistant Chief Benson, and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Frye, seconded by Assistant Chief Benson and carried by voice vote.
CHAIRMAN – Chairman John Reed discussed the annual AAVFD Conference to be held in Sheffield on August 9, 2014. A motion to send a representative (Ken Edwards, if available) was made by Chief Ivey, second from Chief Sanford and carried by voice vote. A motion to allow the representative to vote Proxy for the Association was given by Assistant Chief Morton, second by Chief Frye and carried by voice vote. Only one AAVFD office, Northern Region VP, is contested on the ballot. A brochure for the bi-annual Farm Safety Day had been emailed out with registration information. This will be held on Saturday, August 16 at the Miller Farm in Snead. Registration deadline is July 25. John asked Chief Willis to detail information about the Southeast Fire Chief's Association that will be held in Birmingham in June, 2015.
EMA – Deputy Director Doug Smith updated the FEMA situation. Right-of-way debris collection has been completed; the Highland Lake water debris project was completed today; the residual chip pile will be moved and disposed of by the end of the month. The goal is to be completely through with FEMA-related response by July 29. Fuelman usage for the month of June was at 124% of budget, 114% usage of the annual budget with 3 months remaining.
9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – 911 Director Caleb Branch reported that they had completed the load test on the new Center generator. Furniture is in the building and the move will be on August 12 with a 5-6 hour transition. The EOC at EMA will be used for dispatching during the transition period. Caleb discussed that both air ambulance services will initiate response when placed on stand-by. There was a follow-up discussion about whether 911 dispatch will be ISO compliant. Several departments had lost points on recent ISO evaluations because of 911 issues. Caleb asked that you let him know specific issues on your ISO score that related to 911 and he would get you answers.
TRAINING – Training Officer Tim Frye, Jr recapped several training opportunities. ICS 400 will be held on 4 nights starting at 1800 each night – 7/22 – 7/29 – 7/31 – 8/5 at the Blount EOC. Ropes training at Palisades Park will be conducted on the first two weekends of August. A letter from Chairman Reed and Training Officer Frye will be sent to the Palisades Park Board requesting exemption from permits for all county fire & law enforcement agencies related to ropes/climbing training activities. A decision is expected at the next Park Board meeting Monday, July 21.
FIRE PREVENTION – The Blount County Fair has been moved to one week later than normal – September 30 – October 4. Joe Ray Dailey was chosen to continue as the Fair Committee representative. A smoke alarm give-away is planned with follow-up by the fire department to the individual homes that received them. Chief Willis has about 400 smoke alarms available to the Association. Departments need to complete an application form for the homeowner and return that form to receive the detector.
FORESTRY – Forestry Project Specialist Terry Helms reported that the new State Forester is very focused on maintaining surplus property on loan from the USFS to fire departments. Terry cautioned all who have equipment on loan to make sure maintenance records are kept current and units are in running or operating condition. Anything less found during an inspection by the State Forester will result in loss of that equipment. Terry asked that you keep maintenance records in the vehicle at all times.
SPECIAL OPS – No report.
ST. VINCENTS BLOUNT – John advised that he, Joe Acker and Chief Willis met recently with STV-Blount hospital management and STV-B has agreed to give fluids and drugs to county ALS departments and are working on a plan for BLS departments. They also want to participate in Fire and EMS education.
BREMSS – The EMS Coordinator meeting will be July 29 at Brookwood Hospital. The SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) pilot study will allow transport companies to deliver non-life threatening patients to a location other than an ER to allow for improved triage and treatment of sensitive patients. The Education Task Force has been revitalized which will include options for Paramedic education. Wall-time issues continue to be studied and worked out. It was repeated that you should call TCC with patient destination, especially air transport. Plans are to fund TCC to expand the stroke system which will require increased budgets.
Blount EMS – Tammy reported that the SANE system is not new and they have transported patients to that facility. As always, call us if you need us.
AMED – No report.
LAW ENFORCEMENT – SGT Investigator Fred Cochran requested that if any department had older turn-out gear, he would like to get a set for his investigation work that involves burned structures. Gear does not have to be first line, just something to give him some protection after the fire has cooled enough to allow investigative entrance.
CORONER – No report.
LIFESAVER – No report.
AIR-EVAC – No report.
RED CROSS – No report.
GOOD & WELFARE – A $25.00 donation was received through the “Cold-Water Challenge”.
▪ The Hazmat equipment needs to be inventoried and a decision made to determine how to dispose of some of the items to other departments.
▪ The “Wills for Heroes” program managed by the District Attorney office will be rescheduled at a later time. Please get names of anyone in your department interested to Doug @ EMA.
▪ John thanked all the individuals and departments for their help during the June Fling.
§ Pine Mountain and Holly Springs will conduct a joint pump test on July 23.
§ Straight Mountain VFD has a fire truck to donate to a county department that is in need. Provide your written request to Assistant Chief John Storey.
§ Elwynn Williamson, Straight Mt VFD Trustee and original founding member, promoted the virtues of fire department service and volunteerism by offering encouragement and his personal thoughts based on his years of service.
§ Chief Bob Sanford advised that military veterans who needed storm-related assistance due to damage sustained during the April tornadoes could contact the Department of American Veterans.
§ Joe Ray Daily mentioned that when making a determination on using air transport, please make sure the flight is medically necessary due to costs. This suggestion was based on the transport costs of his most recent air flight.
The next meeting will be August 7, at Pine Mountain Community Center. The meal will be at 6:30 sponsored by Lifesaver / Air Methods.