2024-03-07 Minutes

Location: Cleveland Sr. Center Date: March, 7th 2024

Time: 19:00






BCFEMSA March 2024 Meeting Minutes






  • Representatives of each member department were accounted for: Allgood, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mount High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Rice town, Rosa, Royal, Snead, Straight Mountain, Susan Moore, West Blount

  • Member Departments not present: Summit, Bangor

  • Associate members present: EMA, Blount Co 911, Forestry, Bremms, Coroner, AFC

  • Associate Members not present: STV Blount, Law Enforcement, State Fire Marshall's Office, RAMS, Survival Flight, Red Cross, District Attorney, Air Evac, Lifeguard, VOAD


  • All Pro Open house 11/13-14, 11-2

  • Sunbelt- new facility in Bessemer


Previous Meeting Minutes


  • Motion to Accept: Jon Head

  • 2nd Motion to Accept: Jeff Ivey

  • Minutes were approved with no objections.

  • Special Meeting Minutes (amended to add Chris Hill's appointment to fire camp) Motion to accept Jon Head, Secon Jeff Ivey

Financial Reports


  • Motion to Accept: Jon Head

  • 2nd Motion to Accept: Jeremy Peek

  • Reports were approved with no objections.


Committee Reports



  • Certified letter will be sent to department who has missed 10 meetings. Free EMT and Medic class at Bevill. Meeting for information on 3/12/24 at 1800 located at West Blount St 1


At 40% for fuelman AIEA Grant is now open. Landfill checks passed out.


  • Working on reprogramming radios, let them know if problems persist so they can be addressed.



  • Working on training schedule


  • Matt Tucker requested everyone check emails to confirm they are not going to spam.


  • Renewal Approaching for individual licenses. New application for ALS departments, department renewals must use new application.


  • Busy year so far, thanks for the help. Mentioned new drugs being used that are unregulated. Use caution when assisting with recoveries.

Alabama Fire College

    • Peer support for ALL

Feel free to request the use of props.

Jr. FF Camp


    • Need smaller boots/gear, looking for avenues to purchase or have donated.

    • Smoke on the Water BBQ Competition to benefit camp.

    • Needing more female volunteers to help with camp, no experience needed.

    • Digital sign up available on the website for days to work in camp.

    • Confirmed camp website is up and running.


Jon Head reported two meetings in February, lots of data to work through, slow process, Incidents with recommendations have been sent to 911 Board.



    • Public Life Safety Educator being held at Oneonta, contact Jeff Ivey for more information to suggest to upcoming class



Special Ops

    • Grant Funds received and executing, Looking into a smaller trailer


    • Three changes to bylaws were proposed. Amendments were requested, once the new proposals are updated with amendments, they will be sent out.

NO Report from the following Departments:

Fire Prevention, Explorer post, Special Ops, St. Vincent's Blount, Sheriffs Office, State Fire Marshall, AL Lifesaver, RAMS, Survival Flight, Red Cross




With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made:

Motion: Tim Frye

Second: Braden Foy




The next meeting will be held on May 2nd at 1830 with a meal being served and meeting starting at 1900








Heath Stockton







Blount Co. Fire & EMS Association