2014-04-3 Minutes



Brooksville Fire Department

The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Doug Smtih gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, St. Mountain, Summit, Susan Moore and West Blount. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Blount EMS, Law Enforcement, Coroner, and the District Attorney Office were also represented. 9·1·1 Director Caleb Branch, Supervisor Neal Brooks and 911 Board Members Sheriff Arrington, Chief Steve Pass and Chief Bob Sanford were present.

GUESTS – Guests included District 2 Commissioner Carthal Self as well as candidates for Sheriff: Sheriff Arrington and Kevin Price; Dist 3 Commissioner: Commissioner Dean Calvert and Pat Bryant; Coroner: Mark Vaughn. Brenda Helms represented Jack's Restaurants of Blount County, Blountsville, Snead, Oneonta and Locust Fork, who provided a portion of the meal. The best part (dessert) was provided by Brenda and Terry Helms. Brenda said Jack's is proud to be part of Blount County and thanks all the first responders for what you do in your communities.

Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the March meeting. Motion by Chief Netherton, seconded by Chief Glass, and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Head, seconded by Chief Ayers, and carried by voice vote.


CHAIRMAN – Chairman John Reed updated the Association on the West Blount Chamber of Commerce where a presentation was made by Cullman EMA Director Phyllis Little about the things you need to know during a disaster that many citizens are not aware of. Association Vice-Chairman Ken Edwards will soon be working out of town at different posts due to job responsibilities and will be absent from several of the future meetings.

EMA – Deputy Director Doug Smith introduced new EMA Director Don Roybal. Don comes from the Jefferson County EMA where he served as Emergency Management Officer for over 8 years. Don is a 30-year veteran of active and reserve military duty and also 17 years with Palmerdale Fire Department. He brings great experience with emergency response and FEMA coordination during declared disasters. Doug advised the group that the Spring 2014 LEPC meeting will be held at the EOC on Friday, April 4 at 1000. Fuelman totals for the month were at 150% of budget; for the 2nd QTR at 133% of budget; and for the year at 64% of budget after 6 months. 2012 Emergency Response Guidebooks are available at the EOC if any department needs to update the ones they currently carry on their apparatus.

9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – Director Caleb Branch reported that 70% of the electrical work for the new 911 Center is complete and walls are painted. The ceiling and floor installation will be the next project. All fulltime dispatchers have been trained on Introduction to Crisis Negotiation so they can assist if needed for your scene. Caleb asked all departments to review the dispatcher meal schedule for Telecommunications Week, April 13-19.

TRAINING – Training Officer Tim Frye, Jr reviewed the Training Report that was emailed out to the membership.

FIRE PREVENTION Joe Ray Daily was present and detailed experiences of his recent head injury. He expressed his gratitude to responders and doctors that were involved in his recovery and closed with “It's GOOD to see you!”.

FORESTRY – Forest Project Specialist Terry Helms reported that there is an updated vehicle available to departments to use as brush trucks. The MM78 replaces the 2.5 ton so if you are interested in receiving one, please get with him and do your paperwork. As always at this time of year, Joe and Terry are stretched thin working multiple counties so when you call for a tractor for your scene make sure you need one as they may be several counties away.

SPECIAL OPS Chief Willis did not have a Special Ops report but did announce that

Chief Montgomery was at home with Hospice. Please keep the family in your prayers.


BREMSS John advised that ADPH has printed some Protocol manuals for ALS transport and non-transport trucks. Once those units are distributed then as many departments as possible can get their copies. PCRs are still available at various locations in the County – 911, EMA, and possibly Blount EMS. Changes have been made to the BREMSS website concerning CPR instructors.

Blount EMS – Shaun Gregory said that they are still working to modify coverage changes, hours and staging points to make sure you get an ambulance in a timely manner. Northstar will stage at Cleveland if needed on occasion. Commissioner Calvert added that the Commissioners were involved in the ambulance decisions at an early stage and were satisfied. If things need to change, they can revisit the issue.

AMED - No report.

LAW ENFORCEMENT – Sheriff Arrington had no report.

CORONER – Coroner Mark Vaughn detailed the types of injuries you might expect during a tornado event and what type of items you might want to keep in your “ready” bag.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY – District Attorney Pamela Casey reported that if you experience equipment damage at a crime scene she can assist you with financial reimbursement through the restitution order.

LIFESAVER – No report.

AIR-EVAC – No report.

RED CROSS – No report.

GOOD & WELFARE – There has been a written request received for a firefigher- related need but there is not significant money in the G&W account. Ideas to help fund the

G&W account are requested but it needs to be done in-house.


§ After a show of hands it was determined that 7-10 people need to be involved in an ICS 400 class. John and Doug will compare schedules and come up with some dates on a night class on a Tuesday / Thursday schedule.


§ Candidates in the June 3 Primary Election will have 3 minutes per person to speak to the Association at the next meeting at Locust Fork on May 1. Notifications of invitation have been sent to the Chairs of both County political parties. This will be held at the Locust Fork Community Center.

§ Holly Springs Fire Department celebrates their 30th anniversary on Saturday, May 10 with an Open House from 1200 – 1600 that day.

§ VFIS insurance for the Association coverage will be paid this month as a budgeted item.

The next meeting will be May 1 at Locust Fork Community Center. The meal will be at 6:30 sponsored by Sunbelt Fire with the meeting to begin at 7:00.