The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Susan Moore Mayor Jamie Brothers gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, St. Mountain, Summit and Susan Moore. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Blount EMS, Law Enforcement and the District Attorney Office were also represented. 9·1·1 Board Director Caleb Branch, Supervisor Neal Brooks and Board Members Sheriff Arrington, Chief Steve Pass and Chief Bob Sanford were present.
GUESTS – Kristie Moffett of Stop Heart Attack sponsored the meal and highlighted her products. Her business is the only AED supply company in the Birmingham metropolitan area and you can easily pick up same-day orders from her business. Bob Harvey represented the PALS organization who is again sponsoring their campaign to clean up Blount County from April 1-April 15. Departments can register to pick up road- side garbage and earn their share of award money provided by the County Commission based on total weight turned in to the County Transfer Station. Bags are furnished by the State PALS organization and can be obtained from any Blount County ALFA office. The Adopt-A-Mile program also has portions of roads in Blount County that need someone to work these areas. Commissioner Self was present to hand out checks to the fire departments in his District. Political candidates in attendance were: Sheriff – Sheriff Arrington and Mike Crawford; Coroner – LaShone Price; Revenue Commissioner – Ann Self; District 3 Commissioner – Pat Hyde.
Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the February meeting. Motion by Chief Payne, seconded by Chief Netherton,and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Ayers, seconded by Chief Willis, and carried by voice vote.
CHAIRMAN – Chairman John Reed thanked Chief Ledbetter and Susan Moore VFD for hosting the meeting. Telecommunications Week will be April 13 –19 and schedules were sent out by email and will be sent again. John recently attended the West Blount Chamber of Commerce meeting representing the BCF&EMSA. BCF&EMSA membership dues are delinquent if not paid by March 31. John recognized Max Armstrong on his upcoming retirement with a gift card to Flying J Travel Centers to assist them with fuel purchases during his and Anne’s retirement travels. Max thanked the group for the support and the invaluable service that you provide to the citizens of Blount County.
EMA – The search for a new EMA director will be complete by Monday, March 10 when the Commission votes on and approves the new hire. Thanks again to all the departments that assisted during the mid-February winter weather event. It is important to work through the EMA office to coordinate particular assistance missions so that we will not have duplications or have people missed due to poor communications. Also, if there were to be reimbursements to assisting agencies, all documentation is on file at EMA for easy call-up. The February Fuelman expenses were at 128% of monthly budgets.
9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – Run reports were handed out. 911 Director Caleb Branch reported that the 911 Center had been sheetrocked and the next project was to install the antenna tower base.
TRAINING – Training Officer Tim Frye,Jr mentioned several training opportunities. (See Attached) An ICS 400 class has been requested and if you have anyone interested, please notify Doug or John. We will plan a multiple night class as we have done before.
FIRE PREVENTION – It was reported that Joe Ray Daily had suffered a stroke the previous Wednesday night and had been flown to UAB. Doctors will re-evaluate his condition this Friday and expect a long-term recovery. The diagnosis of any paralysis is premature at this time.
FORESTRY – Forestry Specialist Terry Helms reported that February had been an active month and look for that to continue into March. Grant checks may be available the first of May. If you need surplus vehicles, please work with him to get your requests in.
SPECIAL OPS – No report.
BREMSS – Protocols are in and available for use. There will be an Advanced Burn Life Support training on April 15.
Blount EMS – Tammy thanked Max and Anne for their contributions to EMS in Blount County. She then discussed changes at Blount EMS that include posting points. This project is trial and error and will be continually evaluated for benefits of service. Please let her know about any problems. Divert issues will get worse before they get better. Hospital administrators are aware of the problems but patients have a right to choose which hospital they want to be transported to. Some discharge procedures have been changed to assist with making more beds available.
AMED – No report.
LAW ENFORCEMENT – Sheriff Arrington said he learned three things about HUMVEES during the February winter weather: They will go anywhere; once you get school kids in them you can’t get them out; and it is too difficult for elderly people to use them so if you need to move elderly, look for another option. The Department has 7 units scattered around the County so call on them if you need them. Please let him know if you need anything.
CORONER – No report.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY – District Attorney Pamela Casey reported that there had been another fire related death since the last meeting and she thanked all departments involved for their assistance.
LIFESAVER – No report.
AIR-EVAC – No report.
RED CROSS – No report.
GOOD & WELFARE – No report.
§ Need financial review and equipment inspections done for 2 departments.
§ It was decided that the May meeting at Locust Fork Fire Department will serve as the Candidate Forum with all candidates present allowed to speak to the membership for a 3 minutes. John will send a letter to each County Party Chairperson inviting all Party candidates.
§ Vice-Chairman Ken Edwards serves on the Nominating Committee for the AAVFD officer elections. A list of nominations was presented and a motion to accept these nominations was offered by Chief Payne with a second from Chief Booth and carried by voice vote. Nominations can still be made from the floor at the AAVFD meeting prior to the election. The AAVFD Conference will be in Muscle Shoals on August 8-9.
§ Ken also highlighted some fire-related legislation that had failed to be acted on during this legislative session.
The next meeting will be April 3, 2014 at Brooksville Fire Department. The meal will be at 6:30 sponsored by Jack's of Blountsville.